6 thoughts on “under the category “Huh??””

  1. Not a joke.

    His next film is The PianoTuner. I have a theory: Herzog plans to end his career directing remakes of Harvey Keitel penis films. Well, not remakes. Completely different. Sort of. All starring Hollywood’s most washed-out actors (Cage, Kilmer, et al.).

    I say we all predict what is next in Herzog’s to-do list. My guess for #3 is Ulysses’ Gaze II: Electric Boogaloo.

  2. did keitel fall of the scorsese bus at some point? he’s now in some crap looking tv show about some guy who goes back in time to the 70s. he hasn’t been in a decent movie in a decade.

  3. I don’t think Keitel’s done anything with Scorsese since Last Temptation nearly 20 years ago…has he? His association with Abel Ferrara also seems to have gone by the wayside so he can do straight-to-video and minor supporting roles. What gives? In any case, I look forward to Cage doing the scene where he stops a car full of young girls, then forces one of them to mime oral sex while he masturbates…will he also be doing full-frontal? Since Bad was one of Ferrara’s quintessntial NYC movies, I’ll be curious to see how it plays in New Orleans. The title sounds like that spin-off Chief Wiggum did.

  4. Oscar-winner Nicolas Cage and German director Werner Herzog, reported to be planning a remake of Abel Ferrara’s 1992 film Bad Lieutenant, should “die in hell,” Ferrara said in Cannes.

    “I wish those people would die in hell,” he told reporters when asked what he thought of the remake plan.

    “Nick Cage, Werner Herzog … I hope they’re in the same streetcar when it blows up.”

    Entertainment industry journal Variety reported last week that the film, which featured Harvey Keitel as the lead in the original, would star Cage and be directed by Herzog.

    The original film saw critical acclaim for the electrifying performance of Keitel, a morally depraved New York police officer investigating the brutal rape of a nun.

    Ferrara is at the Cannes film festival this week to present Chelsea on the Rocks, a documentary about New York’s legendary Chelsea Hotel.

  5. This actually looks good, and the reviews are favorable. It certainly seems to be just what it claims to be: one man’s sickening descent into his own hellish self. With some potentially memorable touches: “You don’t have a lucky crack pipe?”

    But I wonder, with Cage in the lead and Herzog at the helm, the film might be more silly than edgy.

    At any rate, I think this is a must-see.

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