Warriors come out to play

Spike TV is showing ‘Warriors’ at the moment. Presumably in the build up to the re-make of ‘Warriors.’ I watch this again, though for the first time in almost a decade, and I can’t figure out exactly why this movie has the appeal that it does. It seems so cheesy, but there is a certain charisma around the central gang members that transcends the cheesiness. Or maybe it just reminds me of an earlier, simpler era.

Riffs, yeah!

2 thoughts on “Warriors come out to play”

  1. I suspect the showing was capitalizing off the success of the recent videogame version of the film, which is all the rage with the kids at the moment. Sadly, I have chosen gaming as one cultural form I will completely ignore and, therefore, I remain ignorant. Still, as far as I can tell, XBox owners and their ilk are a powerful force to be reckoned with.

  2. Walter Hill tried the same strategy–purely “blank” forces battling each other– in “Last Man Standing” with rather bad results! But I have a soft spot for the bloody western Long Riders and especially for The Driver, whose praises I sang elsewhere. When I want to get all existential over muscle cars, I put it on a double bill with Vanishing Point.

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