The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse

I watched The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse tonight. The plot isn’t terribly original, but it is cleverly handled: the characters of Royston Vasey invade the “real” world in search of their creators who have grown bored with them. The film essentially begins when Reverend Bernice reveals that she has discovered, underneath her church, a series of catacombs whose walls depict the apocalypse—specifically, the end of Royston Vasey. Scenes from the first ten minutes of the film have “already been written,” as it were (such as the scene in which Dr. Matthew Chinnery inserts a rectal probe into a giraffe). The only way to save Royston Vasey is to unlock a secret door (this provides occasion for a nice prop gag) and pass through into the real world, find Gatis, Pemberton, and Shearsmith, and force them to write more episodes. Naturally, the writers don’t want to. They’re working on an entirely new project: a film entitled The King’s Evil, which takes place in England, 1690. Continue reading The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse